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Monday, April 30, 2012

What’s’ wrong with you people??????


A few years ago a very nice lady came knocking on our door, she was running for a County Commission seat and wanted our support. I said can I ask you a couple of questions would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative…a conservative she said, good I replied. Now can you tell me what kind of government does the US have? A Democracy she said…. Ummmmm are you sure I answered, well yes it’s a democracy isn’t it? Well no, not really I suggest you go back and review your civics book and get back to me, I mean how can you be running for a government position and not even know what kind of government you are going to serve? (mind you this lady has a college degree and a high position in a local utility. Well she ran and won and she has turned out ok..the point is folks most US citizen don’t know their type of government they have, certainly not the history of the republic and most are more worried about lady gaga or maroon 5. No wonder then that we get people like Barney Frank and Mark Foley’s to represent us…we get the Barack Obama’s of the world and worse of all we allow our government to rack up a $15 trillion debt. Folks China is building Aircraft Carriers and Rocket Ships just with the interest they collect from the US. At this rate I predict the same kind of turmoil Greece and Spain are facing to come to our shore in 10 years or less, we just simply can’t keep spending money at this rate. Ooh but the stupid masses demand more welfare services, more student loans, tax the rich and stick it to the 1%.
Maybe it’s too late? We have spent our 200 years of usable Republic live and it’s just inevitable we will go the way of the Greek and Roman Republics. Folks it’s time to wake up and see that we face troubled waters ahead if we don’t turn this ship called the Representative Republic of The United States.

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